Learning, Growth, Respect, Responsibility, Community.


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Bussing and Transportation

If your home is beyond walking distance to school, your child may be eligible for school bus transportation. Eligibility is determined by grade level by the EMSB Transportation Department, and not by the school administration directly.

Bussing Eligibility Criteria

Pre-Kindergarten:Pre-Kindergarten students residing more than 0.6 km from school are eligible for busing.
Kindertarten:Kindergarten students residing more than 0.6 km from school are eligible for busing.
Grades 1 to 6:Elementary students residing more than 1.4 km from school are eligible for busing.

Can my child still take the bus if he or she does not meet the criteria?

Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria may be accomodated if there remain additional available seats on the bus. Please note that transportation will not be provided to any student living outside the school territory.

Accommodation busing permits students living inside the school’s distinct territory who are not entitled to transportation (walkers living inside the walking criteria: 0.6 km for kindergarten and 1.4 km for grades 1 to 6) to use the empty seats on the bus (both AM and PM), and is restricted by the number of seats available. The parent must choose an existing stop on the route. No new stop will be added for accommodation.

Accommodation busing may be reduced or cancelled at any time. The school administrator is responsible for removing the students who are accommodated when seats are needed for students who meet the eligibility criteria.

The school administrator must have parents read and sign a transportation accommodation form and forward it to the EMSB Transportation Department.

Where does my child get picked up?

Every effort is made to provide bus stops that are as close to your home as possible, while ensuring that bus routes remain efficient. The criteria used to determine bus stops are as follows:

Please note that it is the youngest student that determines the location of a stop
Kindergarten studentsare to be picked up at the corner of their street, if possible;
Grade 1 and 2 studentsare to be picked up at a maximum of 300 meters (approximately 3 blocks) from their home;
Grade 3 to 6 studentsare to be picked up at a maximum of 600 meters (approximately 6 blocks) from their home;

In the interest of safety and security, it is recommended that a responsible adult accompany their child/children to and from the designated bus stop. It is mandatory for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students be accompanied by an adult to and from the assigned stop.

EMSB Transportation Department

The School Board’s Transportation Department is responsible for the daily operations of the school bus system. To learn more, please visit the EMSB Website:

School Bus Safety

There are rules that must be followed by pedestrians and drivers to help keep students safe while riding the school bus. Please see the pamhplet below for safety tips:

Does my child need a bus pass?

Drivers are instructed that all students should have a bus pass to board the school bus. Any student not bearing a bus pass must be reported to school personnel.

Registered students:The EMSB Transportation Department produces bus passes when the bus routes are established during the summer and mailed to parents.
New registrants:A temporary bus pass is issued by school personnel and is valid until an official pass is provided by the Transporation Department.
Accomodation students:Accommodation bus passes are issued by school personnel, the date of distribution is determined by the school administrator.