Learning, Growth, Respect, Responsibility, Community.


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Register as a Volunteer @ Merton

Should you not be able to commit on a regular basis to groups like the Governing Board or Home and School Organization, there are always other roles for you to play at Merton. We could always use additional support for activities like the

  • The Kindergarten and Grade 6 graduation
  • Helping in the school library
  • School Fundraisers

If you have a skill that you think may be useful to your school and would like to volunteer, please get in touch with us by sending an e-mail with the following information:

  • Your first and last names
  • If you have a child / children currently attending
  • Your telephone number
  • Your preferred e-mail address
  • When you are available to volunteer (morning, lunchtime, afternoon etc.)

Please Note: as per EMSB policy, volunteers at Merton School are required to undergo a “Judicial Verification” or a police check. The forms are available at the main office.

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