Elementary Education Program
The Quebec Education Program (QEP) divides elementary education into three two-year cycles. This organizational model takes into account the need for a long-term approach in developing competencies. It corresponds better to the students’ learning rate and permits more differentiated teaching practices.

Francais, Programme d’immersion
The French immersion program, offers 68% of French language instruction. English instruction is introduced in Grade 3. Prior to this all instruction is in French only.
Research shows that bilingualism has many cognitive benefits that go beyond those of language acquisition such as heightened mental flexibility, creative thinking skills, enhanced metalinguistic awareness as well as greater communicative sensitivity.

Science & Technology
STEAM represents a multi-disciplinary initiative that promotes creativity and high levels of student engagement, as they perform a series of group projects that not only involve five school subject domains, but also makes them more relevant, creative, discovery-based and interesting for students.

Physical Education
The aim of the Physical Education and Health program at Merton is to help our students to develop the skills, knowledge, and values needed to establish and enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle. Through a wide variety of activities, both individual and in groups, we strive to increase student confidence and competence.

Jewish Heritage Studies (PELO)
A program of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, PELO provides an opportunity for our students to learn a heritage language. The languages taught is based on demand and is usually dependent upon the largest cultural groups attending a specific school.

Sexuality Education Program
Sexuality Education has been mandated by the Ministry of Education to be included in the curriculum in all Quebec Schools. Each student will receive age-appropriate, and developmentally suitable information from trained educators from Kindergarten to Secondary 5. In certain circumstances, some schools will invite experts in the field of sexuality; nurse, sexologist, or approved community organization to help with the delivery.